Summer | 23 is a reflection of my current story. Self-efficacy and introspection are unchanging. Those themes are present throughout every collection up to now.

My recent eagerness to have a relationship with Christ has intertwined itself within every interest I have. Which has allowed me to rest in his promise i.e., the scripture.

Its freeing.

I think about Emela. Not every day, not even every month but I think about Emela. I joke "seven years in love" but in all honesty I struggle to understand why my spirit hasn't fully cleansed itself of her.

I’m drawn.

Seeing "Past Lives", the film, brought up many of those dormant emotions. Them NYC nights that felt like being at the center of the universe. Like there was nowhere else you'd rather be. Being so in sync with another person mentally, spiritually, geographically. All of it miraculous; serendipitous if I ever knew it.

I've never seen God's hand so clearly in my life; it was inyeon.

Saudade from what I understand is a Portuguese word that isn't translatable to English. I never feel like I have the right words to describe the intense ways I feel. Always felt like I needed words from other worlds just to explain.

Saudade hits the nail on the head. So much in one little word.

180° is a complete switch in the opposite direction. The fact that one month I could have negative twenty-five dollars in my bank account unsure of how I will eat and the next month learning from the multi-million-dollar designer Mike Amiri after winning the "AMIRI PRIZE", blows my mind. Knowing the call could come at "any moment now" is electrifying.

That's a reality, in reach, where I could escape.. all the limits, all the small minds, and almost all the control.

I could be great; I'm on my way.





Winter | 2022